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Netsuite Bottle ERP: The Leading Drinks Industry App

Our Bottle ERP NetSuite App is a cutting-edge solution tailored for small and mid-sized drinks industry businesses seeking to optimise their operations. We empower businesses by seamlessly integrating customer management, supply chain, inventory, finance, and manufacturing processes. 

With user-specific dashboards and customisable, automated reports, our NetSuite App ensures that management has instant access to critical information, enabling informed decision-making and fostering sustainable growth. Unlike competing solutions, our focus on user-centric design and comprehensive integration sets us apart, delivering a holistic approach to streamline your business operations effectively.

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NetSuite App

Benefits Of Implementing Beverage ERP

  • More efficient manufacturing operation using a visual Production Planner calendar
  • Using labels to aid accuracy & traceability
  • Real-time capture of Quality Control checks during production process
  • Work Order Management on the go
  • More streamlined Warehouse Management through the implementation of Catalyst WMS Go
  • Automated LPA (Litres of Pure Alcohol) and Duty reporting
  • Now includes Cask Management functionality


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